WELCOME TO OUR BLOG "A GOOD AUDITOR NEVER MAKE MISTAKES" 4FlatToBe Muhammad Faris Bin Mohammad Fauzee (10DAT17F2028) Nurul Huwaini Binti Rejab (10DAT17F2024) Premilah A/P Ganapathy (10DAT17F2048) OUR BLOG IS ABOUT AUDIT ON FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDIT ON FINANCIAL STATEMENT Definition A financial statement audit is the examination of an entity's financial statements and accompanying disclosures by an independent auditor . The result of this examination is a report by the auditor , attesting to the fairness of presentation of the financial statements and related disclosures. Substantive procedures . Involves a broad array of procedures, of which a small sampling are: > Analysis . Conduct a ratio comparison with historical, forecasted, and industry results to spot anomalies. > Cash . Review bank reconciliations, count on-hand cash, confirm restrictions on bank balances, issue bank confirmations....