Video Review Assignment | Auditing in a Computerized Environment (PSP_DAT5B_Group7)
Khuksukma kuan 10DAT18F1004 Characteristics cis: 1.lack of visible transaction trails 2.consistency of performance 3.ease of acess to data and computer programs 4.concentration of duties 5.system generated transactions 6.vulnerability of data and program storage media Internal control in CIS Control procedures- authorization of transaction -proper segregation of duties -independent checking Herashni Nair 10DAT18F1052 Purpose- written programs Designed to perform audit tasks in specific circumtances 1.snapshots - taking a picture of a transaction 2.Systems control audit review files (SCARF)- involves embedding audit software modules and to provide continuous monitoring of the systems transaction Internal control in a CIS environment Internal control -It is an essential prerequisite for efficient and ,effective management of any organization Lim Siew Lyn 10DAT18F1060 Internal control procedures can classified into two types:general controls and application controls General c...