
Showing posts from February, 2020


Kumpulan kami mengsertakan link untuk video live Facebook: Ulasan yang kami peroleh daripada video ini adalah: Introduction audit in computerised    IT have been widely and rigorously used by most companies. IT assists the business in various aspects such as in production, communication or E-commerce, internal controls, financial reporting and decision making. The IT environment Electronic data processing (EDP) is the main functions of planning, recording , managing and reporting business transaction throw the use of computers and related software.  The software used will have different structure of modules and programmers that differ for each client EDP infrastructure  - Video have been given Hardware consists of the CPU (central processing unit), monitor, printer, mouse and keyboard. - personal comput...


  Auditing in computerised information system environment Disini kumpulan kami sertakan link untuk video live di Facebook. Kami akan mengulas serba sedikit tentang video diatas 👧 Audit of computer environment an exist when any type an size of the computer used in the processing of financial information that is important for an audit of an entity, whether the computer is carried out by the entity itself or by a third party.  👧 Electronic Data Processing ( EDP ) is the main function of planning, recording, managing and reporting business transactions trough the used of computers and related software.  👧Changing information of technology and its implication for auditing.   Organizational structure. The way data is process. 👧The general and application control on CIS       General IT controls   General controls  👧Hardwar...

Ulasan bertajuk Audit Completion AUDIT COMPLETION ~final analytical procedures ~review of subsequent events and loss contingencies ~examining related party disclosures ~review of going concern issue ~Evaluation of financial statement presentation and disclosures 1) Final evidential evaluation processes a) performance of final analytical procedures b)identifying subsequent events c)review for loss contingencies d)examining related party disclosures e)review of going concern issue f)Evaluation of financial statement presentation and disclosures EXAMPLE OF TYPE OF LITIGATION -breach of contract -patent infringement -product liability -violation of law and legislation including ~securities laws ~company laws ~income tax regulation ~environmental laws RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURE -purchases or sales of goods (including raw materials and unfinished goods) -purchases or sales of property and other capital assets -rendering and receivin...

Audit Report

Chapter 6 : Audit Report  1. There are four basic types of audit reports or opinions , namely : Unqualified , Qualified , Adverse ,  and Disclaimer . An unqualified audit report may be ‘clean’ or may contain explanatory language. 2. Companies Act 1965 requires companies to prepare financial statements and that they should be audited whereby the auditor must express an opinion wheather the financial statements are accurate. 3. The basic structure of an audit report comprise , report title , Audit report address . Introductory paragraph , scope paragraph ,Auditor’s details such as address name and signature. Opinion paragraph and tge date of audit report.  4. Unqualified audit report with ecplainatory language is issued if the overall financial statements give a true and dair view but there is inconsistency in regard to one of the following: inconsistent application of GAAP , substantial doubt about going concern Auditor agree with departure from GAAP , emphasis ...


Chapter 6: Auditor Report There are four basic types of audit reports or opinions namely : Unqualified, Qualified, Adverse and Disclaimer. An unqualified audit report may be "clean "or may contain explanatory language. Companies Act 1965 requires companies to prepare financial statements and that they should be audited whereby the auditor must express an opinion whether the financial statements are accurate The basic structure of an audit report comprises ,audit report address, introductory paragraph, scope paragraph, auditor details such as address, name and signature An unqualified audit report with explanatory language is issued if the overall financial statements give a true and fair view but there is inconsistency in regard to one of the following -inconsistent application of GAAP. QUESTIONS What is an audit report? (group 1) Name the different type of audit reports  (group 2) Under what condition ...